Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Too Busy?

Emily and I are heading down the home stretch for our wedding preparations. And, graduation is coming up in less than 3 months, too! Oh, not to mention the freelance web design projects I have to complete and the house purchase that we're in the midst of. It is indeed a very busy time.

But, is it "too busy?" I've been belly-aching and complaining over the past several months about the crazy schedules that we're all having to keep, but our outreach pastor brought us a message on the need for intentional evangelism, in spite of our busy schedules. One point he made rang true with me. He said that God planned for each of us to be alive during this period of history - and that our lives are no busier than He wants them to be. With that said, knowing that we still have the command to "made disciples," it starts becoming evident that if God is indeed in control, we must conclude that God will provide all we need to succeed in our calling and to one day hear him say "well done."

It's amazing to think that in spite of our business, God is still at work. And, perhaps because of something in us that He placed there, we are acutely able to succeed in our callilngs by God's empowerment.