Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Finally over "the mono"

It's been an interesting last few weeks!  About 6 weeks ago, I started feeling very tired and sore.  After a couple of weeks like that, I came down with a sore throat and sick feeling.  The doctor said I probably had mono - and that heart-warming prescription of "rest, sleep, no exerting yourself" but no drugs!

Took a couple more weeks to get over that part, and another to get back to feeling like I have some energy.  Oh, and of course, I developed something like strep on top of mono.  Thankfully, there were antibiotics for that!

But, I have to say, during the illness, I truly appreciated how much my wife took care of me and the house.  She tried her best not to have me deal with any problems - just recouperate.  Thanks sweetie!