Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The newest little Roten...

Well, where do we start? Several months ago, we decided that we would certainly want our children to be close in age, and as such, we'd let the adoption agency know that we are ready whenever they are. The agency requires adoptive families to wait at least a year before their next placement.

And, we figured that the amazing speed at which our adoption of Celeste occurred, that surely we wouldn't have the same experience again. Well, we were wrong. Yesterday, we received a call that we had been chosen as the parents of a little girl. It took us a few moments to understand what was being said, and for reality to set in. We had just celebrated Celeste's first birthday last week - and as much as we thought it could happen, we didn't dream that God would bring us a new little one so soon.

Today, we picked up our cute, adorable little addition - Olivia Ruth. She's perfect - 7lbs, 3 oz at birth on Feb. 27th (Yes, that means she's just over 361 days younger that Celeste!). Pray with us as we become accustomed to being parents of two little girls under the age of 13 months! You can imagine all the things we could use prayer support on - so don't be shy to life them up to our heavenly father!

Here's some pictures of our dear sweet little baby - and her big sister (who couldn't let the new one out do her, so she started walking yesterday!).

Monday, March 02, 2009

March 09 Snow

Well, we waited all winter - and finally it came!  Overnight, we had about 5 or more inches of snow (more because we went walking between the houses and it may have drifted to something like 8 inches in spots!).  We took a walk around noon to enjoy the scenery.  Happy Snow Day!